Ezoic Page Booster Review (Full Walkthrough With Examples)

I don’t have access to specific reviews or walkthroughs of Ezoic’s Page Booster feature as my browsing capability is disabled. However, I can provide a general overview based on what Ezoic Page Booster typically entails and its intended functionality.

What is Ezoic Page Booster?

Ezoic Page Booster is a tool offered by Ezoic, a platform that specializes in website monetization and optimization through AI-driven technologies. Page Booster is designed to enhance the visibility and engagement of specific pages on your website by increasing their organic search traffic. It aims to achieve this through a combination of content optimization and automated improvements.

Features and Functionality:

  1. Content Optimization:
  • Keyword Analysis: Page Booster likely analyzes the content of your target pages and suggests keywords or phrases to optimize for better search engine visibility.
  • On-Page SEO: It may recommend improvements such as optimizing meta tags (title, description), headers, and content structure to align with SEO best practices.
  1. Performance Monitoring:
  • Analytics Dashboard: Ezoic provides a dashboard where you can monitor the performance metrics of pages using Page Booster. This includes tracking changes in organic traffic, rankings, and user engagement metrics.
  1. AI-Powered Recommendations:
  • Machine Learning: Utilizes AI and machine learning algorithms to continuously optimize page elements based on user behavior and search engine algorithms.
  • Split Testing: Ezoic may conduct split tests to compare the performance of optimized pages against previous versions or competitors, helping to refine strategies over time.
  1. Integration with Ezoic Platform:
  • Page Booster is likely integrated within the broader Ezoic platform, allowing seamless collaboration with other tools such as ad optimization, site speed improvements, and user experience testing.

Examples of Usage:

  • Scenario 1: Suppose you have a blog post that performs moderately well but could benefit from increased organic traffic. Page Booster might suggest adding related keywords, improving readability, or enhancing the meta description to attract more clicks from search engine results pages (SERPs).
  • Scenario 2: For an e-commerce product page, Page Booster might recommend optimizing product descriptions, enhancing image alt text, and improving internal linking to boost its ranking for relevant search queries.

Walkthrough (Example Steps):

  1. Accessing Page Booster:
  • Log in to your Ezoic dashboard and navigate to the Page Booster section or tool.
  1. Selecting Pages:
  • Choose specific pages or posts on your website that you want to optimize using Page Booster.
  1. Reviewing Recommendations:
  • Review the AI-generated recommendations for each page, which may include actionable steps to improve SEO and organic traffic.
  1. Implementing Changes:
  • Make suggested optimizations directly within your content management system (CMS) or using Ezoic’s interface.
  1. Monitoring Performance:
  • Track the performance metrics of optimized pages over time through Ezoic’s analytics dashboard.

Benefits of Ezoic Page Booster:

  • Time Efficiency: Automates SEO improvements and optimizations, saving time compared to manual SEO efforts.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Uses data analytics and machine learning to make informed recommendations based on user behavior and performance metrics.
  • Performance Tracking: Provides transparent insights into the impact of optimizations on traffic and engagement, allowing for continuous improvement strategies.


Ezoic Page Booster is designed to leverage AI and machine learning to optimize specific pages on your website for improved organic search traffic and user engagement. By following its recommendations and monitoring performance metrics, publishers can enhance their SEO efforts and potentially increase their website’s visibility and traffic from search engines.