How many keywords per ad group in Google ads should be used?

In Google Ads, the number of keywords per ad group should ideally be limited to a focused set of closely related keywords. Here are some guidelines to consider:

  1. Focus on Relevance: Each ad group should target keywords that are closely related to each other and relevant to the ad text and landing page.
  2. Group by Themes: Group keywords into themes or topics that align with specific products, services, or themes on your website.
  3. Avoid Keyword Stuffing: Avoid overcrowding ad groups with too many keywords. A general rule of thumb is to keep it between 5 to 20 keywords per ad group, depending on the similarity and relevance.
  4. Use Match Types Wisely: Utilize different match types (broad match, phrase match, exact match, and modified broad match) strategically within each ad group to control the reach and relevance of your ads.
  5. Improve Ad Relevance: The more focused your ad groups are, the more relevant your ad copy and landing page can be, which improves Quality Score and ad performance.
  6. Monitor and Refine: Regularly monitor the performance of your keywords within each ad group and make adjustments as needed to optimize for better performance and relevancy.

By maintaining a manageable number of keywords per ad group and ensuring they are closely related, you can enhance the effectiveness of your Google Ads campaigns and improve your overall ROI.