How to Find Competitor’s Keywords (10 Free Tools)

Finding your competitor’s keywords can provide valuable insights for improving your own SEO strategy. Here are 10 free tools and methods you can use to discover your competitor’s keywords:

1. Google Search

  • Manual Search: Conduct searches related to your industry and analyze the top-ranking websites. Note down the keywords they are targeting in their content, meta tags, and headings.

2. Google Keyword Planner

  • Keyword Ideas: While primarily a tool for planning your own campaigns, you can use it to get keyword suggestions and see estimated search volumes for terms related to your competitors’ businesses.

3. Google Trends

  • Trending Searches: Monitor trending searches related to your industry or niche. Compare your business with competitors based on search interest over time.

4. SEMRush (Free Version)

  • Domain Overview: Enter your competitor’s domain in SEMRush to see an overview of their organic and paid keywords. The free version provides limited data, but it can still offer valuable insights.

5. Ahrefs (Free Backlink Checker)

  • Backlink Analysis: Use Ahrefs’ free backlink checker to see which keywords are driving traffic to your competitor’s website through backlinks. This can give you an idea of their targeted keywords.

6. Ubersuggest

  • Keyword Ideas: Enter your competitor’s domain into Ubersuggest to get keyword ideas they are ranking for. The tool also provides insights into search volume, CPC (Cost Per Click), and competition level.

7. SpyFu (Free Version)

  • Competitor Research: SpyFu allows you to search for any domain and see every place they’ve shown up on Google, including every keyword they’ve bought on AdWords, every organic rank, and every ad variation in the last 14 years.

8. Keyword Spy (Free Version)

  • Keyword Competitors: Keyword Spy allows you to see which keywords your competitors are targeting in their pay-per-click campaigns.

9. Google Related Searches and Autocomplete

  • Search Suggestions: Use Google’s related searches and autocomplete features. Type in your competitor’s business name or industry-related keywords to see related searches that can give you keyword ideas.

10. Social Media Analysis

  • Content Analysis: Monitor your competitors’ social media accounts to see what topics they are discussing and which keywords they are using. This can provide insights into their content strategy.

Tips for Using These Tools:

  • Focus on Relevance: Look for keywords that are relevant to your business and audience.
  • Analyze Long-Tail Keywords: Consider targeting long-tail keywords that are less competitive but highly relevant to your niche.
  • Monitor Changes: Regularly check and update your keyword strategy based on new trends and changes in your industry.

By leveraging these free tools and methods, you can uncover valuable competitor insights and optimize your SEO strategy to improve your search engine rankings and attract more targeted traffic to your website.