How to get backlinks from LinkedIn for SEO

LinkedIn is a powerful platform not only for networking and professional growth but also for SEO purposes, including backlink building. Here’s how you can effectively get backlinks from LinkedIn:

1. Complete and Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile


  1. Complete Your Profile: Ensure your LinkedIn profile is complete with a professional photo, comprehensive summary, work experience, skills, and endorsements.
  2. Add Your Website: In the “Contact Info” section, add your website URL. This creates a backlink to your site.

2. Create and Share High-Quality Content


  1. Publish Articles on LinkedIn Pulse:
  • Write in-depth, valuable articles related to your industry.
  • Include relevant keywords and a link back to your website within the content.
  • Share the article on your LinkedIn feed and in relevant groups.
  1. Share Blog Posts and Updates:
  • Regularly share blog posts from your website on your LinkedIn feed.
  • Add engaging descriptions and include a link back to your website.

3. Engage in LinkedIn Groups


  1. Join Relevant Groups: Find and join groups related to your industry or niche.
  2. Participate Actively: Engage in discussions, share insights, and answer questions.
  3. Share Your Content: Occasionally share your articles or blog posts with links back to your site, ensuring they are relevant to the discussion.

4. Create a LinkedIn Company Page


  1. Set Up a Company Page: Complete all the details about your business.
  2. Add Your Website: Include your website URL in the company description and contact info.
  3. Post Regular Updates: Share content from your website on your company page.

5. Leverage LinkedIn Showcase Pages


  1. Create Showcase Pages: These are extensions of your Company Page, focused on specific products or services.
  2. Add Links: Include links back to specific pages on your website within the Showcase Pages.

6. Utilize LinkedIn SlideShare


  1. Upload Presentations: Share informative presentations, infographics, or PDFs.
  2. Include Links: Add links back to your website within the presentation and in the description.

7. Collaborate with Influencers


  1. Identify Influencers: Connect with industry influencers on LinkedIn.
  2. Collaborate: Engage with their content, and seek opportunities for guest posting or mentions.
  3. Get Backlinks: If they share your content or mention your website, it can lead to valuable backlinks.

8. Answer Questions and Comment on Posts


  1. Engage with Content: Comment on posts and articles from connections and in groups.
  2. Add Value: Provide insightful comments and include a link to relevant content on your website when appropriate.

9. Use LinkedIn Events


  1. Create Events: Host webinars, workshops, or other events.
  2. Promote Your Website: Include links to your website in the event description and during the event.

10. Optimize LinkedIn Articles and Posts for SEO


  1. Use Keywords: Incorporate relevant keywords in your articles and posts.
  2. Link Strategically: Place backlinks naturally within the content to drive traffic to your site.

Tips for Effective Backlink Building on LinkedIn

  1. Quality Over Quantity: Focus on creating high-quality, valuable content that naturally attracts backlinks.
  2. Be Relevant: Ensure your links are relevant to the context of the content and provide value to the reader.
  3. Stay Active: Regularly engage with your network and share fresh content.
  4. Build Relationships: Foster genuine relationships with connections to increase the chances of them sharing your content.

By following these strategies, you can effectively build backlinks from LinkedIn, enhancing your website’s SEO and driving more organic traffic.