The best time to post on Google Business Profile for engagement

Posting on your Google Business Profile (formerly Google My Business) at the optimal time can significantly enhance engagement with your audience. While the best time to post can vary based on your industry, location, and target audience, here are some general guidelines and strategies to help you determine the most effective posting times:

General Best Times to Post

  1. Weekdays:
  • Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday are often considered the best days to post for many businesses, as engagement tends to be higher on these days.
  • Optimal Hours: Mid-morning to early afternoon, specifically between 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM. This timeframe captures the attention of users during their breaks or when they are most active online.
  1. Weekends:
  • Saturday can also be a good day for certain businesses, especially those in the retail, entertainment, or food and beverage industries.
  • Optimal Hours: Late morning to early afternoon, around 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM.
  1. Avoid:
  • Late Evenings and Early Mornings: Posts made during these times may not receive as much immediate attention.
  • Mondays and Fridays: These days can be hit or miss; Mondays can be hectic as people start their work week, and Fridays are often less productive with people winding down for the weekend.

Tailoring Post Times to Your Business

  1. Analyze Your Audience:
  • Google My Business Insights: Use the analytics provided by Google to understand when your audience is most active. Look at metrics like when people view your business and when they engage with your posts.
  • Customer Behavior: Consider the habits and routines of your target audience. For example, if you run a café, early morning posts might be more effective as people plan their breakfast or coffee breaks.
  1. Experiment and Adjust:
  • A/B Testing: Try posting at different times and days, then track the engagement metrics (views, clicks, comments). Adjust your strategy based on what works best.
  • Seasonal Variations: Engagement times can change with seasons and holidays. Be mindful of these changes and adjust your posting schedule accordingly.
  1. Competitor Analysis:
  • Observe Competitors: Monitor when competitors post and the engagement they receive. This can give you insights into optimal posting times for your industry.
  1. Industry-Specific Trends:
  • Different industries have different peak times. For instance, B2B businesses might see better engagement during standard business hours, while B2C businesses might do better in the early evenings or weekends.

Examples of Best Posting Times by Industry

  1. Retail:
  • Best Times: Mid-morning to early afternoon on weekdays and weekends.
  • Rationale: Shoppers are often looking for deals and information about products during breaks or leisure time.
  1. Restaurants and Cafes:
  • Best Times: Early morning for breakfast spots, late morning to early afternoon for lunch, and early evening for dinner.
  • Rationale: Aligns with meal times when people are making dining decisions.
  1. Professional Services (e.g., Law Firms, Accountants):
  • Best Times: Mid-morning on weekdays.
  • Rationale: Professionals often look for these services during business hours.
  1. Healthcare:
  • Best Times: Early to mid-morning and early afternoon on weekdays.
  • Rationale: Patients tend to search for healthcare services during these times to book appointments.


While these general guidelines provide a starting point, the best time to post on your Google Business Profile ultimately depends on your specific business and audience. Regularly review your Google My Business Insights and other analytics tools to fine-tune your posting schedule. By understanding and catering to your audience’s habits, you can maximize engagement and improve your local SEO performance.